Configuring managed application instances
KuberLogic runs application in Kubernetes pods.
KuberLogic runs application in Kubernetes pods.
Backups will only work if you use CSI based volumes. Backups will not work for hostPath volumes.
KuberLogic uses webhooks to integrate with various billing providers. Below you can find a scheme of core moving parts of a billing provider integration and instructions on how to set up ChargeBee to work with KuberLogic.
KuberLogic provides a simple way to deploy your application as SaaS by supporting docker-compose.yml structure.
Applications, provisioned by KuberLogic are exposed via Kubernetes Ingress objects. That means that only HTTP based applications are supported at the moment.
KuberLogic provides a possibility to manage credentials for managed applications.
Application instances update is an important part of day to day job of a SaaS offering.