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Getting Started

Installation Guide Video →


  • Kubernetes cluster 1.20-1.24


Feel free to open an issue if you need any help. You can also reach out to us at [email protected].

1. Prepare docker-compose file for your application


If you install KuberLogic for testing and studying you can skip this step (sample app is included).

Read more → about docker-compose.yml limitations.

2. Setting up ingress controller for the Kubernetes cluster

Run to apply Kong ingress controller:

kubectl apply -f

You can also use any other ingress controller you prefer.

3. (Optional) Configure and enable Velero for backup/restore integration


If you install KuberLogic for testing and studying you can skip this step (in this case backup/restore capabilities will not be available).

Read more →

4. Get KuberLogic CLI

Get the latest KuberLogic stable build.

curl | sudo bash -

We use 'sudo' in the command only to save the binary file to your system.

5. Install KuberLogic

Run the following command and follow the installation instructions to install KuberLogic into your Kubernetes cluster. The KuberLogic installer will sequentially ask you for the information necessary to form the configuration file.

kuberlogic install

CLI will create a config file at ~/.config/kuberlogic/config.yaml when the installation process is finished. Usually you do not have to modify this file manually, it is updated after each KuberLogic CLI installation/configuration run. The command above can also be used to modify KuberLogic configuration parameters when it is already installed.

6. Make sure KuberLogic is up and running

By entering the following command, verify that KuberLogic is up and running.

kuberlogic info

Example output:

apiserver: Ready
chargebee-integration: Ready
kube-rbac-proxy: Ready
manager: Ready

API server is running at
ChargeBee integration service is running at

Status: Ready

Additional steps

7. Configure DNS

Add a DNS type A record directed to kong-proxy's external IP address with hostname '*'. Alternatively, if you are evaluating KuberLogic, you may want to use '/etc/hosts file' to provide the access locally.

In order to view the IP address of the Ingress controller, enter the following command:

kubectl get svc -n kong

Example output:

NAME                      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
kong-proxy LoadBalancer 80:31200/TCP,443:30646/TCP 57m
kong-validation-webhook ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 57m

8. Configure integration with billing provider

Read more →